Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stay-at-home dog mommy?

My weekend consisted of staying at home all day, taking care of our bloodhound and gray cat, which I have no idea what breed she is. I attempted to write a paper Saturday and didn't get done until 5:00 p.m. because I was in and out of our recliner;

-letting the dog out to pee
-spanking him for chewing on the cat
-letting the dog out to pee
-walking the dog
-spanking him for eating out of the litter box
-letting the dog out to pee
-pushing him off our furniture
-spanking him for eating 3, yes 3, christmas ornaments off of our very first married tree!
-you guessed it...letting him out to pee (Although, I'm very proud of him for having only 1 accident in the house this entire weekend)

So, until Brock and I make little people, you'll have to put up with pictures of our little trouble maker....he is kinda cute :-)

My favorite picture from the weekend.

He thinks he's cool for bothering me while doing homework.

My two favorite boys!


  1. Remind me to find out how to post comments here so you know who I am. Our little grand dog keeps getting disciplined by our big dogs over here. I keep telling them they better be nice because at the rate Archimedes is growing he will be eating them for lunch real soon! Great photography by the way.

  2. Love these and the description of your weekend! =) Sounds like my life, only mine includes 2 dogs and 2 kids - all needing constant supervision, correction and attention! LOL Merry Christmas!!
